I managed to get my SIL to take a picture of my jacket. After working on it for several months, it is ready for fall weather. It is the Sewing Workshop pattern, " San Diego Jacket".Take a look at the great lining. That along with the lime green button made the jacket an exciting article of clothing. I always have to have some fun element in my work, in this project the button and lining gave it the fun it so needed. The buttonholes are bound button holes and the pockets are outside welt pockets. It is interesting to me to see this pattern made up several times and not one of them looks like the others. When personality is added the same pattern is unrecognizable from jacket to jacket. My SIL has a much better camera than I do. She also took pictures of my finished quilt. These look a bit better than my photos.
"You are your own muse. Style comes from knowing who you are and who you want to be in the world; it does not come from wanting to be somebody else, or wanting to be thinner, shorter, taller or prettier"