Wow, I can't believe how easy they make customizing your blog. My husband will attest to the fact that I am technically challenged in the area of computer usage. If things are not easy it won't happen for me. The invention of the iphone was a genius of a phone for people like me. Before my iphone I could not figure out some basic elements like how to save a phone number and a name or to text someone. My sister being more savvy than myself would text me. I honestly would try to text her back but it did not happen even once. I now have a 30 minute infomercial I give to anyone looking at an iphone. I could be a new salesman for that piece of technical genius. People in the computer industry must have people like me on their radar. Or some smart person like Steve Jobs just knows people like me. I'm digressing now. Anyway, I am so happy to have easily figured out how to add photos onto my blog!!! Those of you who may be interested in my work can now see a few pieces of it. Maybe I'll be able to get a web page up that includes more of my work. I discovered one thing though, I don't take great pictures. Most of the pictures of my work don't show them they way I'd like. They are crooked and at strange angles so they don't fit the box well. I'll have to enlist the help again of my 14 yr old son. They like to be helpful with their superior technological know how. I'll let you know how that project is coming along as it progresses. But for now, I've got more sewing to do!
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