Here is the simplicity pattern brought to me for the making of this white dress. She needed sleeves and the bodice brought up a bit for more coverage. I altered the bodice to accommodate both of these changes.

Here is the dress I made with the alterations. It turned out quite well and the client was happy with the results. This dress was also done during the week of Thanksgiving. You can see I've been very busy.
I am still having technical difficulties trying to post my blog entries the way I want. I hope the strange way things may look at times doesn't make you want to stop reading. My technical people don't seem interested in trying to help me, so I am on my own!!!! consequently some paragraphs are centered and some start at the left or right and sometimes I can't get pictures to move so I can write more. (last post) Maybe this is better anyway, I WILL learn how to do all this eventually. I did from last post to this one for example learn how to move the picture so I could keep writing behind it. Maybe having people to do things for you is overrated. The satisfaction from doing it yourself can be liberating, satisfying and simply wonderful! (even if things don't always look or read the way you intended)
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