Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pyramid Bag

I have to say when I ran into a photo of this bag here:  I hurriedly found the pattern and purchased it.  Most of what I have to say about this pattern is found here....
 I COULD NOT figure out parts of the pattern instructions. The shape looks adorable in the sketch. Besides the pattern and instructions being poorly written the bag is poorly executed for actual usage. I will be adding a couple of extra seems to make my bag a bag. I also put in a double ended zipper due to the size of the bag, thinking it would be useful to zip from either end. Eh, Not so much. But I can't figure out either, how the bag could be used with a one ended zipper. I am an experienced seamstress. I have to admit that bags are not the thing I sew a lot of. But believe me when I say I can navigate most anything I really want to sew. But this pattern is inadequate on both levels, the written words and the sketches. I applaud the independent pattern makers and do support them. I like to support them and am even thinking of starting a pattern business of my own. But I hope my pattern testers would stop me before letting something like this out the door.
At any rate here are my photos. I printed the flowers onto the finished bag to give it some more color. It looks so cute. Hopefully the bag will also be usable after some extra stitching.

Pyramid Bag

Pyramid Bag


  1. I want to try stamping some material some day. I've silk screened before, which was a blast. But haven't done it in years.

  2. So fast and easy! Grab your fav stamp and acrylic paint or use fabric paint but acrylic works just as well, (pick it up very inexpensive at any crafty place) just iron it afterward to set it. I used a large foamy stamp I picked up one day on sale at Jo Ann's and used a small sponge brush to apply the paint to the stamp. I simply painted on different colors for my effect. Test first on scraps to get the look you want. A shadow effect can be achieved by stamping twice without re-painting your stamp. Let your image dry and iron to set paint and ta da! Magic. Almost any washable item in the house can be used as a stamp. Try it, you'll be amazed and hooked and easier set up then silk screen, I think that is fun too but this can be done in five minutes.
