I had promised my dear sister that if she purchased fabric for a quilt that I would make her one. I went ahead and found this fabric in her color choices, it was so gorgeous I knew it was the one that not only I would enjoy making but she would enjoy receiving. She may have been a bit anxious for me to get this done for her, after all she was trying to redecorate her bedroom and who doesn't want things right now? I'd get anxious too. However the process of putting one like this together is more complicated than the baby quilt shown below and much, much larger. This finished king size quilt made to come down the edges of the mattress to the box springs measures 102"x110". It weighed in at a whopping 14 pounds. I managed to quilt this on my Juki TL98E. The first generation of these sewing machines. I'm not sure how I got it moved around by myself to quilt it. I also managed to baste this by moving all my furniture in my living room off to the side and by using the basting spray. Again somehow managed alone. I love this newer innovation. The basting spray makes the actual quilting very nice as you don't need to work around safety pins and there is no need to pull out basting stitches. I think my sister will be very happy with the end result of this quilt and find it worth the wait of a year.

My nephew and his wife are very nice people. They have the sweetest little boy and last week added to the family a darling baby girl. I hope they enjoy and use this quilt. It is made from Moda flannel. It is lovely to touch and sit with. I think the baby will like it.

This is what some of us may think of as cheating in that Moda sells the fabrics of each line in sample squares. One each of the fabrics per sample pack. I purchased two of these packs and a bit more fabric off the bolt for borders and backing. What's wonderful about it is that you get a beautiful quilt that is simple and easy to sew up. When you want a lovely gift quilt but happen to be short on time this is a great alternative to more complex blocks, and every bit as nice. The gift recipient of such a quilt doesn't feel at all slighted, nor do you want them to, you do love them. This little gem is about 40"x40". I find anything larger than that overwhelms the tiny baby and it is still plenty big enough for the child to use while growing.
It's been fun to get some quilting done in between apparel items. However, I'm not sure how long it would have taken without the gentle pestering of , "how is my quilt coming?". These days I'm much more into the design and construction of clothes, the dream of my actual childhood having been reborn.